Inspired from my friend ViVi, tried to design a logo for my blog, it's still too complex for a logo design. but who cares, just an excuse to keep me doing stuff and practice :)
This is my first environment sketch and the original plan for this one was create a battlefield scene, however, I ended it up in a different way. i am glad that i can finished this sketch in two-three hours without any line drawing, it's really a good practice :)
Hey everyone and welcome to my blog. I'll be updating this place with my new artworks, concept works and study. Starting my journey to become a professional artist!!!
I had completed my final project for the master degree in interactive and visual design. The project is all about concept artist online social community. Basically I'd produced some interface's prototypes which help with demonstrating the website's concept and idea. Also it have included a number of my personal artworks.